Unfuzz: Culture, Education & Research

Culture dissolves the boundaries!


Unfuzz: Culture, Education & Research

We are a think tank that aims to help the cultural sector engage in dialogue with visitors and develop them as active, critical thinking participants.

A non-governmental organisation operating in the field of cultural education and social inclusion was founded by like-minded people in 2023. We are talking about the role of culture as a mediator in the life of society. We monitor the field of world culture and science, and strive to remain sensitive to local needs, to be open to innovations and international trends.

We apply cultural mediation education and a deeper knowledge of culture, we organise education for businesses and employees of the cultural sector, we invite to discussions and informal conversations, we help the cultural sector to develop forms of inclusive art presentation, to help the visitor become a participant. We believe that culture makes it possible to talk about social, political or economic challenges, creates conditions for action and open dialogue. We share what we believe.



practices for developing creativity, imagination and curiosity for adults


organisating of inclusive cultural events, celebrations, trainings and exhibitions


cultural mediation training for educators of cultural and educational institutions


qualitative studies of cultural engagement, communities and audiences

Selected projects

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Contact Us

Unfuzz, NGO
Registration number (company code): 306268677
Not VAT payer
Bank account holder: Unfuzz, VšĮ
Account No (IBAN): LT71 3500 0100 1632 8220
Bank name: Luminor Bank AS
Branch address: Konstitucijos pr. 21A, 03601 Vilnius, Lithuania